Saturday 12 April 2014

New Warlord British Infantry Army Set - A review

I've been absent from the forum for a while, due to work commitments so my apologies. Today however I've been to Salute 2014, to have a look around.

One of my main objectives whilst there was to get hold of the new Warlord Games plastic British infantry. My original plan was to buy one box, but I saw the "British Waterloo Starter Army" for £70.00 on the Warlord Games stand.
I took this option because I need a large number of British infantry for my Wargames group Waterloo project in 2015. It also gives me the chance to review the Plastic Hanovarian Infantry which are also included in the set, as well as the metal figures which Warlord have added to their range.

I will review the Hanovarian Infantry and the British Infantry in seperate reviews.
As you can see from the box cover you get 108 British Infantry, 36 Hanovarian Infantry, A mounted Colonel and a cannon

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