Monday, 30 June 2014

Waterloo Tester Game

Not wishing to give too much away but I was privileged to take part in a tester game for the Waterloo anniversary game at the beginning of the month.
The rules were created by Chris Gregg and played well, although it was agreed a few minor changes were needed.
Although intended to merely test the rules, I had a fantastic time as well.
Next month we are testing the cavalry rules!
2nd KGL Light Infantry Battalion
Advancing French Infantry Battalion
French Infantry Brigade
The Farmhouse Burns
Royal Horse Artillery
British Infantry half Battalion
Nassau Light Company
2nd KGL Light Battalion
French Light Infantry Battalion


  1. Hi James, looks great. Where exactly will the game take place: is it public/private... a club, or any of the shows?

  2. Seb
    I'll be hosting the main games at a private venue in the Cotswolds in Summer 2015. Sorry it will be just a small number of invited players due to restricted space. Six diverse wargamers from Bristol, Gloucester, Cheltenham and Aylesbury are contributing the troops and terrain.
    Chris G
